What Is the Importance Of Education? Which is the Best Education System Traditional or Modern?

In olden times, When there were Gurukul’, when teachers make strict and hard rules for their students; where students sat on grounds, or the teacher taught students under the trees and studied. The main motive is study, education, knowledge where the teacher taught various subjects like politics, history, maths, Hindi, sword fighting, and all other kinds of teaching for physical and mental wellness. Students respected their teacher a lot, and teachers, students lived on the same premises of schools together at gurukul. 

Gurukul Education System

The founder of Arya Samaj was Dayanand Saraswati and Swami Shraddhanand. They were great pioneers of the modern on the system of that time. After that Dayanand Anglo – Vedic Public School. and Universities. Teachers were very hard working and their main motto was to develop knowledge within each child. teacher’s called “gurus” or ” acharyas”. Gurus were taught their students with exercises like meditation, yoga, etc to calm their minds. They taught Vedas to their students. They also learned different languages like Sanskrit etc.

Madarsaas Education System

In Muslim olden times, the teacher taught education in madrasas and mosques. where the teacher called ” molvi’s; they taught the holy book ( book of religion) Quran, and other subjects and also learned different languages Urdu, Arabic, Persian, etc. That time people were simple and for the knowledge, they traveled so long. There were not good premises to lived at that time. 

Modern Education System

Now education is different, the exam levels are different. It had many levels of education. Pre- Primary, Secondary, and Higher Secondary. Two national-level boards were Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) & also State boards.

Importance of Education:

  • Effectiveness:  Learning made more effective measures for students and be more capable and productive. The ancient and modern education system is effective for most things right balance is necessary and effective.
  • Purpose: The purpose of education is the main for every Education system. Mostly need in education is critical reasoning, creativity, personal skills for that period of time, and also a responsibility towards your goal and all inspire for success in life. The need for curiosity and love for education in students. To make a goal why should you start your education to reach towards your goal in the future.
  • Sincerity: Your sincerity towards your goal is education, what are the things in life when you make up your mind only for your career.
  • Proper and good education: It is always the main focus of an education. No compromises in the right kind of education. You must have quality learning, learn about skills, moral values, manners, beliefs, and moral habits with education.

Comparison between Traditional System of Education and Modern Education :

Modern Education system is online, with very many facilities, Technology, knowledge, Internet and computer awareness given to the students. Very many changes transformed from the Traditional Method. This system also gives freedom of self- learning study without books also like; it’s the time E-learning, E-Books so much. Student provides too many free resources.

The changes also in learning style, technology, and learning environment which also affects the students. Also, visual ways of learning are possible; Projector learning. Technology helps people in many ways as for teachers or students online classes also available for students in videos, audios, etc. more easy and innovative ways taught for children by pictures, 3d system, by animated movies, etc. as education forms entertainment learning for children. They enjoyed it a lot but in ancient times only books available and teacher’s presence is important.

Mostly theory focussed but now theory plus the practical way of learning most focus. Society develops a lot and invented very new ways of learning from time to time which is innovative and creative and also easy ways of learning. Distant education is also possible; its low cost, student-centered, and deep knowledge. While in the traditional system they’re set up of school under the roof or under a tree. The teacher-driven study, this is hard and strict rules; punctual, social interactions, extracurricular activities. There is a face to face interactions between teacher-student.

  • Modern systems learned in flexible time.
  • The traditional system learned in fixed time.
  • Modern education different age of the group of learners, but in traditional system homogenous groups of people ( same age group).
  • Modern system online education- its low cost, don’t require any classroom setup, or a coursebook, etc. while the traditional system is costly, books, tuition fees, the classroom setup, and sum up to a large amount of money.
  • Online courses are free and also on special discounts also study at the same time at different universities while traditional systems learning one course at a time.
  • Less period of time in a modern system and traditional system more time to cover up.
  • Traditional system exams conducted after a given period of time, courses are given, in modern education system test is conducted after each topic with automated evaluation. 
  • Online sources have unlimited material and so much knowledge on the internet; the traditional system is limited sources.

My Opinions about both Education System:

I think my view upon both the education according to their times this education system is best and convenient for their time and purpose. I prefer the modern education system which is providing much knowledge in less time. Education is simple and by far the best investment which the country gives to society. So, it should be high class and efficient. Training is also established from educational decorum to seek learning abilities and meet their social standards. The nation’s riches have a lot to do with the cash spent on training. 



My name is Jack, I am an enthusiast writer from my childhood, and I am currently working as a writer and reviewer of articles on the articlesinsider.com website. I am passionate about my work, and I love to write articles on different topics, mainly top 10 lists based articles on different topics.

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