Top 10 Best Tips To Overcome Fear of Public Speaking or Glossophobia

Glossophobia is defined as the fear of public speaking, and it is the main reason for stage fright. Many people are around us who have this disease, but we do not know it because we are not facing this disorder personally.

Some people fear height, water, deep water, isolation, and death, while some people have a fear of public speaking. It is not very dangerous but maybe creates huge problems in many cases. Suppose a student has glossophobia and he/she can’t present in front of an audience.

Presentations are compulsory in student life and professional life as well. Students can’t give a compelling presentation if they are affected with glossophobia. Then these students have lost their marks.

Many people faced a fight-or-flight response during public speaking or presentation. In this situation, the brain enhances the release of adrenaline and steroids, and the sugar level of blood or energy level will increases. Fast heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, muscle tension are the main symptoms of fight-to-flight response.

In shorts, glossophobia becomes a problem when you are in university, college, or about to start your professional life. You can’t do this, even when you want. It will impact badly on your personality. You may lose your individuality if you do not overcome this fear at the early stages of your life.

Some Common Reasons Of Fear Of Public Speaking Are Given Below:

public speaking mic
  • Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is the standard and apparent reason for fear of public speaking. A person with low self-esteem will always think that he/she is not looking good in front of other people.

  • Low confidences and Feeling uncomfortable

Low confidence is also linked with low self-esteem. Confidence is enhancing when someone looks perfect, and he/she does not have any doubt regarding personality. You will become distracted during the presentation if your clothes are too tight or too loose and your body feels uncomfortable.

  • Thinking about the thoughts of audiences

Sometimes students or other presenters become worried and nervous by thinking about audiences. Sometimes you think that audiences will judge you.

  • Fear of becoming nervous and doing something wrong

Sometimes you think you can’t give a good presentation and you will become embarrassed in front of other peoples. This types of thinking create problems for anyone while giving a presentation to huge audiences.

  • First experiences

Nervousness, doubts, feeling of fear and anxiety is obvious during your first experience of anything. Suppose a student is going to give his/her first presentation. Students are shy and fearful during the early period of their institute.

  • Unpleasant experiences in past

If you are thinking about your past bad experiences before your presentation, it will be the reason for poor concentration.

  • Facing huge audiences for the first time

Suppose the students will become nervous in institutes of large cities when they are moved from rural areas, and they had not faced huge audiences during childhood or previous life. This is new for them, but they have learned with time.

  • Inferiority complex

It is another reason for public fear. People can’t perform well if they will always underestimate themselves. They thought that they would not perform well as compare to other people around them.

  • Insufficient preparation

Sometimes your preparation is insufficient for giving a presentation to huge audiences. So you are nervous and have feelings of being embarrassed.

  • Fear of asking questions by the audiences

Questioning is a prominent part of the presentation, but people can’t answer if they do not have a grip on your topic.

Some tips and tricks are given below, which reduce your fear of public speaking and improves your personality.

overcome glossophobia

10. Prepare Your Presentation Verywell

You should search and explore a presentation topic at least a week before the deadline and prepare an effective and good presentation. You should not need to cram the whole presentation, and you should keep the main highlights of your presentation in your mind. It is because cramming creates problems for you in front of audiences.

You will forget the whole presentation and its rhythm during presentation. So don’t cram and keeps the main points in your mind. You should add the main highlights on the paper.

Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

Stephen Keague

9. Practice More And More

Practice makes the person perfect. You should need to do practice at home in any way in which you are comfortable. You can practice in front of the mirror and in this way, you can learn about your mistakes. You can do practice in front of friends or any family members. Your friends or family members will tell you about any improvement if required.

Some people have lost during their first presentation and have forgotten all the materials in front of people. Sometimes a person’s voice is too low or too high, and the situation became very strange. You can record your voice in recorder during the presentation practice, and you can point out your own mistakes via your voice.

8. Be Prepared For Any Unexpected Situation

Unexpected situations include any unusual behavior from audiences or technical issues. Technical issues mean like the issue in mic or speakers or maybe suddenly light has gone. Audiences also create problems for you by asking strange questions or making funny gestures. So it would be best if you prepared for them.

You should handle these problems very carefully and remain cool; otherwise, it may be backfiring. It would be best if you kept the presentation’s highlights in your mind.

7. Be Prepared For Audience Questions

You know very well that there is an important part of the presentation in which audiences are asked questions from their presenter. You should keep in mind all the relative points related to your presentation and don’t add anything in the presentation which you do not clear. You can’t reply to that question that you do not clear.

Suppose if you can’t reply to some questions. You can say to audiences that you don’t know about it, and you will tell them later after exploring them. It is better than creating any drama of knowing everything. Every person doesn’t have all the knowledge of the world.

6. Move Around The Stage

During the presentation, you should move around the stage and avoid standing in a single place. It is important for engaging people with your presentation; otherwise, audiences will sleep and don’t concentrate on your presentation.

You should come close to the audience when the emphasis is required on a certain point, and you should go back when the next point is started. You will deliver an effective presentation by following these tips and maintaining a distance between you and your audiences.

5. Don’t Think About The Thoughts Of People

Many people are thinking about the thoughts of the audience during the presentation. It would be best if you did not think about these silly things. You should concentrate on your rhythm and fluidity. You don’t take responsibility for people’s thoughts. You should prepare yourself effectively and do not care about the thoughts of people.

It is obvious that people will judge you via your gestures, facial expression, sense of dressing, and way of communication, and you can’t stop them. You can ask a question about the presentation’s topic before starting. It is helpful in engaging people.

4. Don’t Overthink And Don’t Be Afraid Of Audiences

It is not new to be afraid of audiences if you are a beginner and this is your first presentation. But don’t worry, you can overcome it. You should relax before the start of the presentation. You can give a good and effective presentation if you are not nervous and afraid.

You should take the overview of the whole room at one glance before starting the presentation. It would be best if you did not think negatively, like you can’t do this or people will make your fun.

Always try to think positive; it will be helpful at the time of presentation. You should give your best and put all other things on fate. You will be successful if you will make an effort to achieve your goal.

3. Use Hand Gestures, Maintain Eye Contact, And Smile

Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and smile are the key elements of the presentation. You shouldn’t ignore them. You should give a pleasant smell to your audience when you enter the room and you should use a sense of humor if it is required.

Don’t be rude to the audience and try to maintain a friendly environment during the presentation. You should behave in such a way that people feel you are here just for them. You should maintain eye contact with your audience but not stare at someone because it looks very awkward.

2. Slightly Exercise Or Meditation Before The Presentation

Slight exercise, meditation, and enough sleep are essential for presentation. The breathing technique is beneficial. You should take a deep breath before starting the presentation. In this procedure, you can inhale fresh air and exhale all the anxiety, fear, and unpurified air. You can move your arms for better blood circulation before going to a room full of audiences.

You should not delay your preparation for the night before the presentation. It is the main reason for failure. It would be best if you prepared all presentation at least 24 hours before the presentation. You will feel relax and burden-free.

1. Remember! Looks matters a lot

People will judge you via your dress, hairstyle, and facial expression. You should dress-up according to the requirements of the presentation. Formal dresses are more preferable as compare to casual if you are participating in a business meeting. In contrast, you can dress-up according to the requirement of the instructor if you are a student. In shorts, your dress should be neat and clean, your face should be bright, and your eyes should need to sparkle.

Always try to look happy, not sad. Keep all the personal problems outside the room in which you will enter for the presentation. Try to avoid heavy and fancy jewelry if you are a girl. You can also use a Teleprompter app to speak freely in public. To know more about the TeleprompterΒ click here.

In short, fear of public speaking is neither shameful nor disgusting. It is normal and can be avoided by following these tips. You people can give an effective and rejection-free presentation by following these simple tips and tricks.

A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.

Winston S. Churchill
Sharqa Naeem

Sharqa Naeem

I am an undergraduate student of Microbiology at Capital University of Science and Technology CUST Islamabad.

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1,374 Responses

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  2. Being a psychological student, I can really that you have a very good intellect regarding such mental conflicts. Appreciative content.

  3. Fida says:

    It was really helpful… Keep going dear..

  4. Sharqa Naeem says:

    My pleasure

  5. Rashid says:

    Good , God bless you

  6. Ruby Han Ruby Han says:

    Happy to see this

  7. Kavya Viswanath says:

    Thank you

  8. I am ready to apply these tips

  9. Anees Rehman Anees Rehman says:

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  22. That was an information in need.

  23. Sujitha D Sujitha D says:

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  24. ali ajam ali ajam says:

    Thank you, it was very useful for me.

  25. Public speaking topic is very useful for all beginners who wants to speak in the public.

  26. very useful article. thanks. well done.

  27. Chitra Ramu Chitra Ramu says:

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  28. Informative and good topic

  29. Fadil PC Fadil PC says:

    Informative and thoughtful

  30. Good information. Thank you

  31. Thank you so much its really helpful for me

  32. Thank you so much its really helpful for me to deal with my stage fear

  33. its really helpful for all the people to face the fear

  34. dinesh kumar dinesh kumar says:

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  35. really nice content about a person’s fear

  36. Keep going I like it

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  38. Good to hear about this topic
    Keep going

  39. Iniyal says:

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  40. Thanks for your valuable information

  41. That’s good keep going

  42. That’s good keep going

  43. Saravanan Tv Saravanan Tv says:

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  44. It was very true and attractive

  45. Good to hear about this topic
    Keep going

  46. This is very useful for my students. They have stage frightening but I am Encouraging them to overcome it. Its useful

  47. Raja .M Raja .M says:

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    All the best for your growth

  48. Very useful. Keep writing like this.

  49. Premitha G Premitha G says:

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  50. Very well described… More interesting message for life. Thank you for sharing

  51. Chitra K Chitra K says:

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  52. Aashefa Z Aashefa Z says:

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  53. Aashefa Z Aashefa Z says:

    Very useful points….. doing well

  54. Gobinath S Gobinath S says:

    There are lot of them around me is affected by glossophobia.

  55. Chitra K Chitra K says:

    Wow superb explanation..very nice to read and also interesting..

  56. Excellent article πŸ‘Œ

  57. Shreehari P Shreehari P says:

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  59. Jothimani S Jothimani S says:

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  60. Very Useful to overcome

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  62. That’s amazing content.

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  77. Rameena G Rameena G says:

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  78. Thanks for this article

  79. Saranya devi Saranya devi says:

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  83. Very useful article to overcome stage fear

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  106. Excellent Content . Useful information.

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  112. Very useful article.

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  115. Nice article πŸ‘

  116. Excellent information

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  118. Intresting facts very good

  119. It’s very helpful. Good article

  120. mana saadat mana saadat says:

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  122. Vishal M Vishal M says:

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  123. Very useful content..

  124. Sabithabi says:


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  129. Well said bro!!! 😊

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  132. beautifully explained very usefull

  133. Aruna S Aruna S says:

    Practice makes a perfect in one’s own life. So don’t fear and be bold to overcome those fears. Nice approach about fear.

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