Top 10 Best And Delicious Protein Rich Foods To Eat In Your Diet

Protein is the macromolecules that are essential for muscle mass and growth of the body. Our hairs and nails are made up of proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. 20 amino acids are involved in protein which are:

  1. Alanine
  2. Arginine
  3. Asparagine
  4. Aspartate
  5. Cysteine
  6. Glutamine
  7. Glutamate
  8. Glycine
  9. Histidine
  10. Isoleucine
  11. Leucine
  12. Lysine
  13. Methionine
  14. Phenylalanine
  15. Proline
  16. Serine
  17. Threonine
  18. Tryptophan
  19. Tyrosine
  20. Valine

They are necessary for the normal functioning and regulation of body cells, and they are present in our body in different categories like antibodies, messenger proteins, structural components, and enzymes. They are involved in performing different functions.

Some best protein rich foods are given below:

10. Oats


Oats are a good source of protein and are related to the family Poaceae. People have used them as oat milk and oatmeal.

Oats are full of energy and also used in the manufacturing of cakes and some bakery products. Crushed Oats are used in the manufacturing process, and these are also used with milk.

It provides a high amount of energy to the eater. Oats Protein contains 14% of calories, and one cup of Oats has 11 grams and 307 calories.

9. Milk


A high amount of rich protein are present in Milk, and its products are used worldwide.

Pure milk is white and full of nutrients, and milk is a delicious and healthy item. A high amount of protein and energy sources are present in milk and its related products.

It contains all the required nutrients for the body like calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B, and fats. Fresh milk contains more nutrients than milk items, but fresh and pure milk is not available in every place.

Milk is important for healthy bones, healthy teeth, and healthy hair. The calcium level becomes low in those people who are not drinking milk.

Some people have not liked milk, but it is perfect for health, and milk is beneficial for the cure for dry skin. Some people are affected by arid skin problems, pure milk is a good cure for those people, and milk can be applied to the face too for better skin.

Milk Protein contains 21% of calories, and one cup of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein and 149 calories, and one cup of soy milk contains 6.3 grams of protein and 105 calories.

8. Meat

Very prominent and rich protein are present in meat of fish, chicken, and beef.

Fish Meat

Fish Meat

Fish is seafood, and it contains various essential nutrients that are effective for healthy hairs and skin. Fish is available in all seasons, and people should eat fish in their diet at least two times a month.

Some people do not like fish due to its smell. So, Walnuts is considered an alternative to fish. Walnut can be eaten by those people who cannot eat fish.

Fish Protein is highly variable; Salmon fish contains 22% protein, containing 17 grams per 3-ounce (85- gram) serving and 175 calories.

Chicken Breast Meat

Chicken Breast Meat

Rich Protein is present in chicken breast, and it can be eaten without skin and cooked. Protein is also present in a whole chicken, and chicken can be cooked in different ways according to your taste.

Chicken Breast Protein contains 75% of calories, and one roasted chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams and 284 calories.

Beef Meat

Beef Meat

Beef meat is rich in protein; It contains vitamin B12 and other nutrients, but beef meat can create problems in diabetic patients and high blood pressure patients.

7. Fruits

Fruits are available everywhere in the world, and anyone can eat fruits easily. Many types are available in fruits. Fruits are very effective for healthy, fresh, glowing, and young skin. Certain fruits are discussed below, which are rich in protein.



Peach is a delicious and common fruit, and it contains proteins, nutrients, fibers, and beta carotenoids. It contains almost 0.9 gram of protein per 100 grams.

Fibers are good for a healthy digestive system, and beta-carotenoid is good for improving eyesight and boost the immune system.



Apricots can be eaten in fresh and dry form; Apricots are delicious in both forms. Dried apricots are consumed as dry fruits. It contains almost 1.5 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Apricots are low in calories but high in fibers and proteins. Vitamin C and vitamin A are present in apricots, which prevents the body against radical damage.



Oranges contain vitamin C and other nutrients. Juicy oranges are very effective for good eyesight and fresh skin. It contains almost 1 gram of protein per 100 grams.

Your skin becomes fresh and healthy by consuming oranges, and it helps boost immunity and improves the digestive system.



Blackberries are the packs of many nutrients; it is a very healthy fruit. It contains almost 1.4 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Blackberries contains:

  • Anthocyanin
  • Antioxidants
  • Calcium, Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Minerals and Vitamins

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K are prominently present in Blackberries.



Avocado is an amazing fruit, but it is not available anywhere; it is rich in proteins, fibers, and unsaturated fats. It contains almost 2 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Fibers are helpful in weight loss, and Avocados are beneficial in the stabilization of blood pressure levels.

6. Vegetables

Vegetables contains rich protein are given below:



Peas are a rich source of fiber and protein; It can be eaten without cooking, and it can be added to salads. It has zero cholesterol, and these are good in the weight loss plan.

Peas can be added to pasta, biryani, and pizza. Some people used peas on pizza for a healthy meal. Every person can use it according to its taste. Peas are easily grown at home.

Peas contains almost 5 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.



Cauliflower is a white flower surrounding green leaves; it is a popular vegetable and can be eaten without cooking.

You can consume it easily without cooking. It contains protein and calories, and its protein reduces after cooking at high flam so you can use it as a salad.

Cauliflower contains almost 1.9 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.



Spinach is a green leafy vegetable and it can be eaten after cooking or without cooking; It contains high quality of protein. It can be added to smoothies and refreshing drinks.

You can consume a smoothie of banana and spinach in breakfast. You can also make drinking in which you can add other items according to your taste.

Spinach helps to improve eyesight and improve hair fall; It is effective for healthy, stunning, and fresh skin, and it is easily grown at home garden.

Spinach contains almost 3 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.



Potatoes can be easily found in every area, and the potatoes are used in many dishes. French fries are consumed in almost every country, which is made of potatoes. People can eat them in restaurants and can be prepared at home.

The recipe for French fries is straightforward, and maybe there is a small difference in recipes followed by different peoples in the world. Potatoes can be consumed according to your taste.

Potatoes contains almost 2 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.

5. Mushrooms


Mushrooms are rich in protein and can be used as a food item. Different types of mushrooms are available in markets, and mushrooms are eatable fungi. It contains almost 3.1 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.

Many nutrients are present in mushrooms like:

  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Selenium
  • Choline
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B, and many others.

You can understand the beneficial level of mushroom from its nutrients itself. Vitamin B is important for a healthy brain and helps the body to get energy from food.

Mushrooms are effective in the regulation of blood pressure. This may help in decreasing the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately consuming rate of mushrooms is low in eastern countries.

Note: Two types of mushrooms are available; eatable mushroom and poisons mushroom. You should take only eatable mushrooms if you cultivate them from the forest or any other area.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkins seeds are eatable seeds of the pumpkin, and it is a vibrant source of protein. It contains almost 19 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.

According to the book, healing foods by DK publishing house, pumpkin seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, lowering the cholesterol level in blood and promoting healthy blood vessels.

Magnesium, iron, and vitamin B are also present in pumpkin seeds. Antioxidants are present in pumpkin seeds, which reduced inflammation and protect our body from a certain disease.

3. Lentils


Lentils are an eatable legume, and Lentils are rich in folate, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B-6, riboflavin, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, protein, and some other nutrients. It contains almost 26 grams of protein per 100 grams serving.

Lentils are consumed in almost every country, and Lentils have many health benefits like; it reduces appetite, improves digestion, and reduces fatigue.

Selenium is present in Lentils; it increases the production of T cells. T cells prevent tumors and other diseases. Lentils decrease cancer risks like lung cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, and colorectal cancer.

2. Nuts

Nuts are a wealthy source of protein. Nuts are mostly consumed by peoples in the winter season to keep their bodies warm.



Almonds are very beneficial for healthy hair and skin, and Almonds contain anti-aging properties. Skin becomes fresh, healthy, and wrinkle-free.

Almonds are also very effective in improving eye health and boost brain abilities. Almonds have many healing properties, and Almonds are rich in nutrients, vitamins, magnesium, protein, and manganese.

Almonds decrease the chance of heart-related disease, and Almonds are also beneficial for high blood pressure because it helps normalize blood pressure.



Pistachios are also a source of protein, and it is a very delicious and healthy nut. All the nuts are very good for boosting immunity and brain capacity.



Peanuts are also beneficial, like Almonds. Fibers, nutrients, and protein are present in peanuts. Peanuts are cultivated in the winter season, and it is mostly cultivated in Punjab.

Peanut butter is available in all seasons, and Peanut butter can be used with bread at the place of jam. Peanut butter is more delicious and healthy than jam.

1. Eggs


Eggs are one of the most delicious and favorite foods for all people, and eggs contain large amounts of protein, antioxidants, cholesterol, vitamins, minerals, and fats.

Egg white is pure protein, and the egg is a complete food. People consume it according to their taste like a boiled egg or fried egg. The egg has anti-aging and pain-relieving properties.

These are the top 10 best and delicious protein rich foods to eat in your diet. These foods also contain many different healthy nutrients, minerals, and vitamins which are very beneficial for your body.

Sharqa Naeem

Sharqa Naeem

I am an undergraduate student of Microbiology at Capital University of Science and Technology CUST Islamabad.

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18 Responses

  1. Premi Kabi Premi Kabi says:

    Proteins will lead a healthy life. Good work

  2. mana saadat mana saadat says:

    Food and health are necessary for a happy life

  3. Good health maintain tips. All are good to have for gym lovers!!!

  4. Good tips for maintaining health

  5. Priyagavas Priyagavas says:

    Proteins are essential one for healthy body

  6. Ajith Rooban Ajith Rooban says:

    Eating protein In our daily life is very important for our muscle tissues.

  7. Ajith Rooban Ajith Rooban says:

    Eating protein is good for our skin. For our skin health collagen is very important collagen is nothing but a form of protein.

  8. Rajitha K.R Rajitha K.R says:

    useful information

  9. So good article with so much informations

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